A Divine Journey of Self Love

A powerful and transformational course
based on the Heal Your Life philosophy
of self-help pioneer Louise Hay

A powerful and transformational course based on the Heal Your Life philosophy of self-help pioneer Louise Hay

Getting started

I am honored to become your guide on this divine journey of sisterhood and love. All you need is a Mirror.

What is Self-Love? 
- A divine journey of Sisterhood and Love
- “She” re-discovers her inner beauty, loving and approving her so called imperfections. 
- “She” re-awakens her divine feminine power and finds her true-self: 
• I love being me
• My love is powerful 
• I open new doors to life 
• I love myself totally in the now
• I am a radiant being of love 
Getting started

No materials are required; you have within you what you need.

I would be honored to be your guide on this Divine Journey of Self Love. The pieces of your perfection will be gathered during this 8-week virtual course. Self love gives you permission to “Shine your Light” and help heal the world. Love is the most powerful healing force there is. The real healing of loving yourself comes from within. As Louise would say, “Loving yourself is the most loving gift you can give yourself’.”
Getting started

I am honored to become your guide on this divine journey of sisterhood and love. All you need is a Mirror.

What is Self-Love? 
- A divine journey of Sisterhood and Love
- “She” re-discovers her inner beauty, loving and approving her so called imperfections. 
- “She” re-awakens her divine feminine power and finds her true-self: 
• I love being me
• My love is powerful 
• I open new doors to life 
• I love myself totally in the now
• I am a radiant being of love 

Taking this Divine Journey of Self Love, you will discover and experience:

Mirror Work

Louise Hay’s most famous tool, introduced throughout the world. Mirrorwork can create healthy self esteem, self approval, and self acceptance.

Reconnecting to your
inner child

By learning to listen to your inner child and loving your inner child unconditionally, you can liberate your creative and loving energy in your daily life.

Weekly Transformational

Meditations can allow you to reconnect with your true essence and your inner strength.


By planting healing seeds of love, you can create positive changes in your personal and professional lives

Mirror Work
Reconnecting to your
inner child
Weekly Transformational

Louise Hay’s most famous tool, introduced throughout the world. Mirrorwork can create healthy self esteem, self approval, and self acceptance.

By learning to listen to your inner child and loving your inner child unconditionally, you can liberate your creative and loving energy in your daily life.

Meditations can allow you to reconnect with your true essence and your inner strength.

By planting healing seeds of love, you can create positive changes in your personal and professional lives.

Virtual Course Details

Picking the right hiking gear!

Facilitator: Michelina D’Addario
Date: March 04-April 22, 2021
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm EST, Every Thursday
Cost: $89.00 for the full 8 weeks
"Love Yourself" Companion Workbook included in workshop
Note: If you can't attend one of the sessions live, recordings will be available

About Michelina:
• Heal Your Life Teacher and Life Coach 
• Reiki Master 
• Co-founder Spirit Moves Yoga
• Education Scholarships for a children’s shelter in Nicaragua 
• Chakra Wisdom 
• Awakening the Divine Feminine 

~ In Sisterhood and Love, Michelina
Virtual Course Details

Picking the right hiking gear!

Facilitator: Michelina D’Addario
Date: March 04-April 22, 2021
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm EST, Every Thursday
Cost: $89.00
"Love Yourself" Companion Workbook included in workshop
Note: Recordings will be made available during the 8-week course
About Michelina:
• Heal Your Life Teacher and Life Coach 
• Reiki Master 
• Co-founder Spirit Moves Yoga
• Education Scholarships for a children’s shelter in Nicaragua 
• Chakra Wisdom 
• Awakening the Divine Feminine 

~ In Sisterhood and Love, Michelina
Jennifer Lopez shares her transformational story practicing the philosophy and with the tools of Louise Hay
Copyright 2021 Michelina D'Addario, Heal Your Life